Sherri Anne Wilson

I hate to admit this…

…but most of my businesses have been launched by accident. I don’t want to sound flakey so let me explain.

I started my first business in 1998 called, Computer Training Services. I taught people how to use their computers back in the day when most computer nerds only fixed hardware issues.

I did all of my market research, outlined what I’d offer, and all the other stuff you do, and then I ended up in a local doctor’s office with a low blood sugar attack. He asked what I did for a living, I told him (even though I didn’t have a single customer), and he became my first customer. From that day forward strictly using word-of-mouth, I grew a business that’s still open today.

Same thing with Genius Owl, Ltd, Co. I knew I wanted to build an online course empire, but I never saw myself working with local businesses! I shared what I do at a local Chamber event, got my first local client, and the rest is history. I then added my other services basically like this:

Client: “Do you help with hiring?”

Me. “Sure.”

Then I developed a unique hiring system not used by anyone else in Clovis.

Client: “Do you do Facebook marketing?”

Me: “Nope, but I can.”

And created a Facebook marketing business.

All that behind-the-scenes work when no one knew who I was and I wasn’t even sure if it’d work sure did come in handy when opportunity presented itself!

Isn’t that what true entrepreneurs do? We self-educate and position ourselves for opportunity before we even know what that opportunity might be because everything is figure-out-able!


 On top of that…

…I’m an introvert! Yep. And I didn’t know it until I was 42.

When I learned what an introvert really is, everything made sense! Like why I felt like throwing up before a presentation. Or had a rough time starting a conversation. Or hated chit-chat. This revelation led me to learn how to use my personality style, body language, and emotional intelligence to flip a switch and turn on confidence and “presence.” I’ve learned how to do this so well that people are shocked to learn I’m an introvert.

Right after that I discovered that my number one entrepreneurial skill is sales! Yeah! Had no idea. I didn’t even think an introvert could sell much less be good at it until I realized that sales is simply persuasion.

I'm obsessed with helping you create a confident, powerful, and influential business and life you love. My sole focus is to give you the practical skills you need to be the best and most influential real estate agent, network marketer, entrepreneur, and person you can be. My clients are empowered with how to get their online and in-person message across confidently and communicate in a way that makes their clients trust them and their judgement.

A few of my favorite things…

  • Coffee.

  • Books. I’m an addict…seriously.

  • Quotes. Anything that inspires.

  • My cat. This is Joseph. He’s also my business partner. ;) He inserts himself in my pics and my live trainings.

And like any introvert, enjoying a quiet evening reading or binging true crime with my cat and coffee is my favorite thing in the entire world!


And since I specialize and “force” my clients to take assessments, let me share mine!

The first personality assessment measures how others perceive you when you’re at your best! Developed by Sally Hogshead, an advertising executive, after 10 years of research, her assessment shows how the world sees you versus other assessments that reveal how you see the world!

My Archetype: The Guardian

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Power advantages speak the language of CONFIDENCE. I’m goal-oriented, decisive, and purposeful. However, I guide gently and lovingly because I love my clients. You’re the hero. I’m simply your guide.

“Power leads the way with authority and confidence. Power always has a plan, moves with purpose, and reaches its goals.”


Trust advantages speak the language of STABILITY. I’m steady (especially in chaos), dependable, familiar, comforting (“like putting on your favorite pair of jeans”), and predictable. No surprises here! You have enough curve balls in business!

“Trust delivers consistently and reliably. Ever dependable, it maintains expectations, and thrives on being loyal and worthy of your business.”

highest and best values of the guardian

As a Guardian, I’m genuine and sure-footed. I have your best interests as a priority always (even at my own expense). I’m going to know what to do, and if I don’t know it, I’ll figure it out and then execute it for your benefit. You won’t have to worry about me not following through nor taking over.

Take your own online assessment:

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My Enneagram Type

An Enneagram is a personality assessment that’s composed of nine types and reveals a “core belief about how the world works” and this then shapes your worldview and perspective. It’s a way to see how you perceive and helps you not to be limited in your thinking.


I see myself as strong, powerful, and will stand up for what I believe in.


I want to be successful (and want my clients successful). I do tend to be very conscious of my public image; however, that’s not as important now that I’m 47 than when I was 27! Age is a wise teacher.


I like following the rules and doing things correctly (unless I think the rules are stupid ;)

Man! It sounds like I’m a handful. I promise. I’m easy to work with and you will walk away knowing I’ve got your back.

Find out your Enneagram

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My Brand Personality

I created this assessment to help you to get a “feel” of your brand’s feel! Like how do you “feel” when you see Harley Davidson’s logo, products, or website? A little rebellious? And Ivory? How do you feel? Innocent? Pure? Clean? That’s what this assessment shows you about your brand feel. You can then use it to filter your social media content, website design, and anything else that communicates your brand feel and message.

the sage

I’m all about knowledge, wisdom, and teaching others. Think Smithsonian. I’m a keeper of wisdom, logic, and intelligence. I love being the “go-to” for information. I have to be aware of lacking emotional connection.

Click to take the assessment

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My DISC Personality

DC I’m double-task focused, which means that if you need something done, I make it happen!


I’m all about getting results, taking action, and displaying competency. I tend to be competitive but have learned to control that drive. I’m direct, self-confident, forceful, and take calculated risks.


I ensure quality, emphasize dependability, and have an extra dose of displaying competency. I love opportunities to use expertise and gain knowledge. I don’t like being wrong (but have learned to admit when I am) nor slipshod methods. I can tend to be skeptical and reserved, especially in new situations. But my D usually shows up and takes care of business!

I do have a dash of I in my personality meaning if I’m around another I, I’m very social, which makes me a social introvert (yep, there is such a thing).

Take your own DISC assessment


Enough about me! Find out about yourself with these quizzes!

