Hell Yeah! Life®: How to Discover Your DCA


Hey guys! Welcome to this week’s episode. I’m very excited 1) for this topic and 2) that I’ve even been able to record it. My dad was air lifted to Lubbock this week for a severe infection and with all that comes with that and aging parents, my week was definitely unusual and extra busy. We do have a long road in front of us. But he is on the mend and will live.

What Is A DCA?

A DCA is a Definite Chief Aim—a well-conceived purpose for life and work. And, as you know, life and work are intertwined and impossible to separate so your DCA will impact both, I’m sure. DCA’s can be an overall lifetime goal or a ten-year down to 90 day goal. I hesitate to use the word goal because your DCA is more than that. It’s a concise and concrete answer to this question, “What do you want?” I’m sure you can tell that can apply to so many things and areas.

In the work that Coach Greg and I do with our Hell Yeah Life ® Coaching Intensives, we’ve had people share a lifetime DCA to a physical fitness year-long DCA to a DCA for a dishwasher. There was more to the dishwasher but all of this to show you that your DCA is your DCA and can be whatever is most desirous for you in this season.


You can also have more than one DCA. I have three for business, ministry, and my personal walk with Jesus that are lifetime DCA’s. And I also have 90-day DCA’s. For example, my current 90-day DCA is my true crime podcast scripts. The last quarter DCA was getting some journals that I designed done and ready for order. And before that, my DCA was completed my Hell Yeah Life® Personality Planners done and ready. I’m still fine tuning it but basically done. My final quarter for the year is elite fitness, which I’ve already been working on but to keep that my main focus to finish the year strong.

My lifetime DCA for business is this: I am a millionaire now with an assigned kingdom agenda for my wealth through online courses, planners, coaching intensives, and other elite/excellent products/services plus passive income.

My DCA for my Jesus time is: My passion is to experience the wonders of Jesus and to know complete oneness in identity.

My DCA for ministry is: I am raising up a prophetic company of marketplace apostles (solutionairies/influencers) who solve complex issues in all seven spheres of society and who have the ear of kings.

How to Discover Your DCA

There is a lot to carrying out your DCA, which is why we have the intensive. Our main work is internal and dealing with anything in the sub that would sabotage you. I can’t get into all of that because that’s what our students pay us for. It wouldn’t be fair. But I can at least get you started with finding your DCA.

First is starts with this question, “What do I really want?” It might be helpful to start with 90 days. What do you really want to accomplish and have in your life in the next 90 days. And the key is it must be what YOU want not what society or others impose upon you. You see, motivation and discipline are a myth if you are depending on those for transformative change. Instead, they are sourced by desire; therefore, you must really want your DCA. You can say, “I really need to lose weight.” Or “I need to save money.” Needs and shoulds won’t get you far. We ALWAYS do what we really want to do.

You might start with a list of things you want and then narrow them down to only what is an 8-10 on a scale of desire with 8-10 being the most desired. Then pick one and go after it. However, some of you might have no idea what you want like one of our students experienced in an intensive. We have found that’s not true, but because of emotional wounding in the past, she avoided that answering that question because that would require hope and belief. Those must be stewarded so there was a lot of fear there. In that case, push through or think back to when you were a child. What did you want to be when you grew up? Sometimes that can hold clues.

Don’t be afraid to write down your life purpose DCA or the reason you were born. It’s a big idea, I know, but some of you might know what your life purpose is already. Write it down every single day. Keep the language present tense and then…

What’s Next?

…take action! Thought is the first action. But DCA thought always equals physical action. Write down two things you can do immediately to get you closer to your DCA. Anything that would stop you or distract you needs to be removed or delayed. Every day there should be some action toward your DCA. Once you complete that task, tackle the other things you have to do. But there must be some action or you will never achieve it.

Don’t be shocked if your sub starts fighting you. I’d highly recommend our Hell Yeah! Life® Coaching Intensive, which will be in person and online later this year to help you. We teach three tools that will help you achieve all you want to achieve and create your Hell Yeah! Life®, a life that is authentic, rich, and designed just for you!