How to Establish Good Habits with Your Planner


Welcome to this episode of Work Your Biz Like A Boss! I want to talk about establishing good habits with your planner and really establishing good habits in general!

Establishing good habits is often easier said than done. Whether it’s exercising regularly, eating healthily, or staying organized, sometimes we need a little extra help to make our routines stick. A planner is an effective way to create good habits and stay on top of your daily tasks. Here are some tips for using a planner to establish good habits:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Writing down the goals you have for yourself in your planner helps you to focus on what you want to achieve and gives you something tangible to work towards.

  2. Break Down Big Tasks Into Smaller Ones: It can be daunting when looking at big tasks from afar so breaking them down into smaller chunksmanageable ones will help make them more achievable and less stressful overall.

  3. Write Regular Time Blocks For Completion Of Tasks: Allocating time blocks in your planner for each task will ensure you don’t lose track of what needs completing when and also help keep you accountable for any progress made throughout the day!

  4. Note Dates: Keeping deadlines in mind when planning ahead helps maintain focus on the end goal and aids in keeping motivation levels high while working towards success!

  5. Organize Your Planner By Priority: Prioritizing tasks by importance makes it easier to handle things one at a time rather than running around without direction trying to do everything all at once!

  6. List Rewards For Completing Big Projects: Rewarding yourself with small treats after completing major projects is an excellent way to build up some incentive for getting things done as well as providing a feeling of satisfaction!

  7. Reflection Days & Think Time: Don't forget to set aside days solely dedicated to reflection and thinking on where you’re going next - this can help clear up mental fog, allowing room for creativity and inspiring new ideas which can be incredibly beneficial for long-term goals!

  8. Track Habits Over Time: Being able to see progress over time shows how far we’ve come so it’s important to make notes every now and then detailing accomplishments made along the way – this will definitely provide motivation as well as physical proof that we're heading in the right direction!

  9. Review Every Now And Then: Regularly reviewing your calendar will ensure that nothing has been overlooked while also providing clarity where needed - whether that means completely changing our plans or simply making minor adjustments, tracking progress allows us flexibility when necessary!

  10. Keep Room For Flexibility: Last but not least, it's important not to be too rigid with our plans or schedules - life happens and being adaptable is key so allowing ourselves some breathing space built into our planners helps keep us nimble enough should situations arise unexpectedly along the way!